The honey-est time of the year is almost here and we are super excited to share our bee-utiful menu with you. But **pretty please** don’t forget to scroll down and read about the important dates and deadlines!
xx Tammy

Important Dates & Deadlines:

**We will not be accepting any custom fondant or buttercream cakes or cookie orders until after Succot. **

Succot Orders need to be placed by Tuesday October 7th

Pick up & Delivery for Succot: Sunday morning, Oct 13th.

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We will be closed for Succot October 14-23rd.

To order, email:

Your order is only booked if you have paid online and received a receipt for that transaction.

Need photos? lots of pics are going up on instagram and facebook, but send an email and we will send you mouth-watering photos straight to your inbox!



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© 2024 Jerusalem Cake Design. All Rights Reserved.

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